Kim Lawton on the set of the PBS show "Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly" 2015

Members of the Senior Journalist Seminar Summer 2015

Kim Lawton at State Department 2015

Kim Lawton at the Vatican for the Papal Conclave in 2013

Kim Lawton on assignment in Israel

Kim Lawton doing a standup in Jerusalem

Kim Lawton took this photo of Syrian refugee children in November 2014
In November 2014, Lawton traveled to the border between Turkey and Syria to report on how faith-based groups were trying to help refugees who had fled the war.

Kim Lawton took this photo of camera operator Patti Jette at a food distribution center on the border between Turkey and Syria (November 2014)

Kim Lawton took this photo of Syrian refugee women waiting in line for hours to get food for their families (November 2014)

Kim Lawton covering the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina